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‘Partners for Choice’ powers multiple abortion websites

Posted at  Saynsumthn's Blog : Pro-abortion webmaster Partners for Choice powers multiple abortion cliinic websites. A number of independent abortion clinic websites are “powered” by a webmaster which functions under the assumed name of “Partners for Choice.” “We follow current design trends to produce stunning, modern websites that look fantastic on any device. We provide a custom WordPress backend that is responsive, fast loading, feature rich, and scalable. Partners For Choice has designed hundreds of websites; we are ready to build yours,” Partners for Choice claimed online. Partners for Choice powers multiple abortion clinics partners with Abortion Care Network and MI Digital Solutions The organization partners with marketing agency MI Digital Solution and the Abortion Care Network, an abortion clinic membership organization to get abortion clinic listed “everywhere” and “enhance” their “information.” MI Digital Solutions was founded in 2013 by Frank Kaniarz and David Suma

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