
Showing posts with the label Aborted Babies

Liberty Counsel: SCOTUS Could Deny Planned Parenthood Medicaid Funds

Liberty Counsel: California Ends Sandra Merritt Prosecution in Extraordinary Plea Deal

Children Who Survived Abortion Tell Their Stories

This is what Ohio and six other states voted for and celebrate

Life Legal Defense Foundation: 'U.S. SUPREME COURT declines to reconsider WILD UNJUST JUDGMENT against CMP HEROES….'

Women describe seeing preborn child after taking abortion pills at home

The Iconic Photo That CHANGED HISTORY

Baby dies after mother given abortion pill by hospital at 30 weeks pregnant, thought she was 12 weeks pregnant

Pro-Life Group Intercepts Box of 115 Aborted Babies, Alleges Crimes by Clinic: 'We Will Not Stay Silent'

Photojournalists have documented human atrocities – including abortion – for decades

Church Leaders Say Johnson & Johnson Shot Should Be Avoided If Alternatives Available

GRAPHIC WARNING: UNM Fetal Tissue Log Shows 52 Pages Of Horror.

Why Do Pro-Life Leaders Demand Sanitizing Instead Of Ending Mass Murder?

What we know: 2,246 fetal remains found in Illinois home of ex-Indiana abortion doctor

5 incredible revelations from this week’s abortion hearing in California

In Court Hearing, Planned Parenthood Employee Admits To Trafficking In Baby Body Parts

Products That Use Aborted Fetuses

‘I’ve Picked Up Fetuses’: Former Stericycle Driver Confirms Medical Waste Giant’s Disposal of Aborted Babies