‘I’ve Picked Up Fetuses’: Former Stericycle Driver Confirms Medical Waste Giant’s Disposal of Aborted Babies

By Heather Clark - Posted at Christian News Network:

A former driver for America’s largest medical waste company, Stericycle, confirmed in a recent interview with a pro-life organization that the entity does indeed dispose of the bodies of aborted babies despite the company’s claim that it does not, advising that he has personally witnessed workers at an abortion facility drop dead babies and baby parts into a medical waste container before handing it off to him for disposal.

A video recently released by the Ohio-based group Created Equal provides audio footage of the driver, whose anonymity was maintained, outlining that he became concerned that he was hearing one thing from company representatives while seeing another on the job.

“The most disturbing thing for me is [that] in that compliance meeting, this manager, he’s saying, ‘We do not haul fetuses. We don’t haul heads. We don’t haul torsos,'” the man explained. “[But] I have firsthand been into that clinic. I saw them taking a fetus out of the freezer—head, legs, arms—putting it a box and they put a yellow sticker—a shipping label—on it, and that indicates ‘incinerate that box.'”
