This is what Ohio and six other states voted for and celebrate

 By Nancy Flanders - Posted at LiveAction:

Earlier this month, Ohio voted to enshrine abortion as a “right” in its state constitution. Six other states have done likewise in the last year, including California, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, and Vermont. Killing children in the womb at any point in pregnancy is now a protected action in these states. To accomplish this, abortion proponents had to convince the majority of voters that women have a “right” to dead children, and they had to erase the casualties of that “right” entirely.

Erasing the primary victim is easy in the abortion debate. These victims can’t march down streets carrying posters and chanting for their equal rights — because they’re dead. They were killed without the opportunity to even cry out.

Their bodies were then buried — not in proper graves, but hidden and disposed of in medical waste facilities, dumpsters, and the sewer system after being brutally suctioned, dismembered, or injected with lethal drugs. They cannot speak for themselves, but photos speak for them.


  1. guido zara belgium here ,i spent 5 months in your evil country in 1973,the year abortion was legalised,saw all the adverts in the newspapers,and these demons from hell,even children are cheering for legalising abortion till birth, your country is SICK,SICK,SICK,truly as Jesus said, some ,today MANY people are POSSESSED by demons,of utter wicknedness a

  2. guido zara from belgium,
    in 1973 I spent 5 months in your evil country, the year abortion was legalised, I saw all the adverts in the papers with abortions up to 6 months, I was horrified,this was in 1973,in 1980 I lost my job because I opposed abortion at the job site and saved the child and the girl was very grateful I stood up for her
    as Jesus already said, some people, today MANY MANY are POSSESSED by demons, the demons of absolute wickedness, much worse than sodom and gomorrah,and look at the pictures, even children are cheerful for the reactions of these "adults" ,truly wicked people worthy of eternal hell and damnation

    they have brough judgement upon themselves, should I pity them, NO,I rejoice in their damnation,for if I love God I must hate the devil, they choose so of their own free will, , the only consolation I have is that these unborn children,surely saved by God will never have to meet their wicked unworthy parents shame on you evil usa, shame on you evil canada where the same practices go, life begins at conception,i studied medical degree subjects for three years on my own in 1987-1990,so i have enough knowledge of these things, there is no lesser guilt in allowing early abortions,the more it advances into blood and bones,it becomes more gory, but it is the same thing ; also my opinion, DO NOT VOTE FOR THE LESSER EVIL for that is what the devil wants,to soften your miserable conscience, here in belgium there are NO prolife parties, so i have always voted blanc, not valid, this way i have no blood on my clean hands, I can not be Pilate !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so trump is not better than biden, you can not trust trump, nor the supreme court !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have followed the abortion debate since 1972,and online since 2001 ,once you allow for 3 months as the lesser evil,the devil got you,for then you are ready for the next level, 20 weeks, 24 weeks and so on, Life is SACRED,abortion is MURDER,even the contraceptive pill is partly abortifacient as is the IUD . thank you ,do not become like these evil people in Ohio and elsewhere, do not compromise with evil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay good, always,till the end, on YOUR way to GOD,what happens to this evil world, like Jesus said, even HE,let the dead bury the dead !!!!!!!! but do NOT COMPROMISE YOUR SOUL, I was born to bear witness in my soul and my practical life to Jesus, to His Word, and my destination is ultimately HIM,that is my hope ,my only hope, but I will never ever compromise with the wicked world, this world is doomed, DOOMED thank you for publishing guido zara 72 years old,belgium europe

  3. "they have -brough- judgement" must be brought , is typo , thank you good people to post my comment guido ,(I also lived in england in 1972 for a year to learn English, so I do not want you to think that I cannot write English,) you have a nice family, real people and beautiful women worthy of God's grace,those I could love,not those of the wicked world, for "love" is first of all the innocent soul that is pleasing, all the rest much less important,

  4. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We appreciate your stand for what is good and right in God's eyes. May God bless you as you seek to serve Him.- Angela Wittman, editor


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