SICK: State reports show babies aborted mere days before their due dates

 By Carole Novielli - Posted at Live Action News:

The abortion industry and its friends in the media frequently claim pro-lifers who claim babies can be aborted up to birth are exaggerating. But data from various states is proving the pro-abortion narrative false.

Kentucky has indicated that, while a pregnancy lasts for about 40 weeks, the lives of two preborn babies were violently ended by abortion in the state at 37 and 38 weeks gestation in 2019 and two babies were killed by abortion at 35 and 37 weeks gestation in 2017.

Though Kentucky doesn’t specify where the abortions were committed, the reports listed four facilities as committing abortions in 2019: EMW Women’s Center, Norton Hospital, Norton Women’s and Children’s Hospital (NWCH), and the University of Louisville. All but NWCH were listed in 2017 as well.
