Over 130 abortion clinics have closed since 2022: Operation Rescue

 By Michael Gryboski - Posted at The Christian Post:

More than 130 abortion facilities in the United States have closed down since last year, with nearly 50 shuttering so far in 2023, a new report by the pro-life organization Operation Rescue suggests.

The activist organization released its annual survey on abortion clinics in the U.S. on Wednesday, finding that 49 closed thus far in 2023 after 88 closed in 2022, the most closures in one year since 2013.

At least 53 abortion clinics either newly opened or resumed providing abortions in 2023, the report notes, with 79% of them offering only abortion-inducing drugs and 21% offering surgical abortions.

Overall, according to Operation Rescue, the total number of abortion clinics in the U.S. dropped from 683 in 2022 to 670 in 2023, which is far below the 2,176 abortion clinics that were open in 1991.
