The Abortion Industry’s “Salvation”

Published September 27, 2024

Two of the abortion industry’s biggest efforts has been trying to pass legislation allowing non-physicians to perform abortions and chemical abortion.

This article is a section pulled from chapter 3 of the book, Lime 5.
(Note: Lime 5 was published in 1996.)

On several fronts, the abortion industry now seems poised to again sacrifice women for political gain.

Currently, two of their biggest efforts are trying to pass legislation allowing non-physicians to perform abortions, and trying to find an effective chemical abortion.

Regarding the first issue, we found a rather interesting phenomenon.

On November 4, 1995, Planned Parenthood held its 79th Annual Conference, at which it bestowed its highest honor, The Margaret Sanger Award, on Minnesota abortionist Jane Hodgson. Interestingly, at a NAF meeting in 1990, Hodgson said that, “When I first started doing abortions, I took my boards in obstetrics and gynecology, and therefore I knew I was competent to do it. After I had done my first few hundred, I realized how silly I had been. At this point, having done somewhere around 12,000 procedures, I’m beginning to think I’m reasonably competent.” The obvious dichotomy is how a board-certified obstetrician / gynecologist has to perform 12,000 abortions before she feels “reasonably competent” while NAF and Planned Parenthood claim that nurses and physician’s assistants can pick it up in no time.

There has also been at least one study showing that complication rates are significantly higher when abortions are performed by residents rather than licensed physicians. In one study, cervical injury was found to be twice as likely to occur in abortions carried out by residents than in those carried out by physicians. If these studies are accurate, it seems highly unlikely that the safety of abortion would improve by allowing them be performed by nurses and physician’s assistants who have even less medical training.

For the abortion industry to seriously propose that the standards for providing abortion be lowered demonstrates the utter disdain they have for American women. As Etienne-Emile Baulieu, the inventor of the French “abortion pill,” RU-486, said, “To demedicalize abortion by removing doctors from the process – it’s insane!”
