President Trump Promotes IVF; But The Ends Do Not Justify the Means

By Steve Lefemine - Columbia Christians for Life:

President Trump Promotes IVF; But The Ends Do Not Justify the Means:

President Trump further enables IVF, despite the multiple practices and procedures which destroy embryos (human beings) in the process

IVF does NOT respect the sanctity of life of every human being.

IVF treats human life like a merchantable commodity.

IVF is NOT pro-life.

'Trump Fulfills Another Campaign Promise With Latest Executive Order'

Feb 18, 2025


"In vitro fertilization (IVF) offers hope to men and women experiencing fertility challenges. Americans need reliable access to IVF and more affordable treatment options, as the cost per cycle can range from $12,000 to $25,000. Providing support, awareness, and access to affordable fertility treatments can help these families navigate their path to parenthood with hope and confidence," the order continues. "Therefore, to support American families, it is the policy of my Administration to ensure reliable access to IVF treatment, including by easing unnecessary statutory or regulatory burdens to make IVF treatment drastically more affordable."



'Research shows that IVF destroys embryos at a higher rate than abortion'

Nov 14, 2022


In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is carried out 2.5 million times annually around the world — but each year only 500,000 babies are actually born from the IVF procedure, according to research published in Reproductive Biomedicine Online. That means that each year, if just one embryo is created during each IVF cycle (the average is seven), at least 80% — at least two million — of the human beings created through IVF either die during the process, are frozen indefinitely, or are destroyed.



'Is IVF Pro-Life?'

Live Action


'WATCH: What is the pro-life concern about IVF, and why?'



God's Law is the rightful, just basis for man's law.

God says,

"Thou shalt not kill (murder)."

Exodus 20:13, KJV

IVF by design causes the killing (murder) of some lives to create one merchantable human life.

This is NOT pro-life.

This is a betrayal and perversion of what "pro-life" means.

IVF is NOT pro-life
