
Virginia lawmakers advance amendment that would allow third-trimester abortions

Newswire: 'Rep. Roy reintroduces legislation to repeal the FACE Act'

Liberty Counsel: 'Group Behind FL Abortion Amendment Pays $186K in Fraud Claims'

SCOTUS To Decide Whether States Can Defund Planned Parenthood

Trump’s moderated abortion stance draws mixed reviews from pro-lifers

PreBorn! Earns 2024 'Shining Light' Award

Trump says he won't restrict the abortion pill but leaves open the possibility: 'Things change'

Missouri's Life Battle Isn't Over: Voters Tricked Into 'Unrestricted, Taxpayer-Funded Abortion'?

New Website: 'Free the Rescuers'

Worldview in 5 Minutes: 'Babies conceived in rape should be protected from abortion too'