89-year-old death camp survivor facing 10+ years in prison for peaceful pro-life rescue

Eva Edl (right) and fellow pro-life advocates at Carafem Health Center Clinic in Mt. Juliet on March 5, 2021.
Dennis Green/Facebook/LifeSiteNews

 By Doug Mainwaring - Posted at LifeSiteNews:

Devout Christian Eva Edl said that 'government does not have the authority to permit what God forbids. And murder is forbidden by God.’

Published August 8, 2024

(LifeSiteNews) — Eighty-nine-year-old devout Christian Eva Edl, who as a little girl was sent to a communist Yugoslavian death camp, is facing more than a decade in prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines for her participation in peaceful, prayerful protests outside two Michigan abortion centers.

The concentration camp survivor — who came close to death by starvation and endured squalid conditions — is now standing trial in a Detroit courtroom.

Edl has been arrested dozens of times for pro-life “rescues” in which she has worked to save preborn babies from what she calls abortion “death camps.”

Judge Matthew Leitman, an Obama appointee who is overseeing the trial, said on Tuesday that the trial entailed “very high stakes for both sides” and “could conceivably last a few weeks,” according to a report by The Daily Wire’s Leif Le Mahieu.

“It doesn’t matter how it turns out, God wins in the end,” Edl told The Daily Wire.
