Doubling Down on Wickedness

 By Al Baker - Posted at Forget None Of His Benefits:

"What I am about to say is not a political statement. I try to shy away from public pronouncements on politics. What I am saying is a moral or ethical issue. The Democratic Party is hellbent on doubling down on their wickedness. They are making abortion the one and only issue in their Presidential campaign...
"But rather we will certainly carry out every word that has proceeded from our mouths by burning sacrifices to the queen of heaven and pouring out drink offerings, Jeremiah 44:17.
Jeremiah the prophet preached from around 627 B.C. to 580 B.C, nearly fifty years and there is no indication anyone truly turned back to Yahweh for deliverance. God had promised His people that He would lift them up above every nation of the world if they only obeyed His commandments (Deut.28:1-14). He also warned that if they failed to obey His commandments He would rain curses down upon them (Deut.28:15-68). We know how this played out over the centuries. By 609 B.C. Babylon was on its way of supplanting Assyria as the major threat to peace in the Middle East and Egypt felt threatened. Pharaoh Neco II wanted to stop Babylon so he asked King Josiah of Judah to allow his army to pass through Judah to take care of business with Babylon. Josiah refused Neco’s request, a battle ensued, Josiah was killed, and Judah became a vassal of Egypt. In 604 B.C. Neco brought his army to Carchemish in Syria and was soundly defeated. Judah no longer had the protection of Egypt and so Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar was making forays into Judah and taking their wealth and people away into a Babylonian captivity. For a season King Zedekiah submitted to Nebuchadnezzar’s reign but finally rebelled and sought deliverance from Egypt. Nebuchadnezzar responded by one last siege of Jerusalem, resulting in the total defeat of Judah, the destruction of the temple, and all but the poorest and least educated people being taken to Babylon.
