YouTube Removes Pro-life Titles From Top “Abortion” Video Searches

Image Source: The New American

By Dave Bohon - Posted at The New American:

YouTube appears to have cleaned out pro-life videos from the top choices under the search word “abortion.” What’s more, a writer for the left-leaning suggested that she was responsible for the change.

April Glaser, identified as a Slate technology reporter, wrote that “before I raised the issue with YouTube ... the top search results for ‘abortion’ on the site were almost all anti-abortion” — meaning they were pro-life in perspective.

One of the previously top-ranking titles apparently unranked through Glaser’s efforts is called “LIVE Abortion Video on Display,” which is nothing less than a horrifyingly true video representation of what happens when a pre-born baby’s life is ended through abortion. While the graphic nature of the two-minute video prevented Glaser from challenging the veracity of its deeply disturbing content, she claimed that many other top-ranking pro-life videos she viewed were “frequently misleading” — a charge she made without qualification.
