Planned Parenthood’s New Revenue Stream Is Not a New Direction

 By John Stonestreet and Shane Morris - Posted at Breakpoint:

The Planned Parenthood organization has been built, from its founding, on destruction of lives, especially preborn ones. Now, even as legalities and access shift in the wake of the Dobbs decision, America’s largest provider and promoter of abortion has added another revenue stream. This one also promises to destroy lives, albeit in a new and subtler way. This one also promises to help women but is, in actuality, built on ideas that deny the existence of women.

A new documentary from the Center for Bioethics and Culture tells the stories of three young women who believed they were not women and that they could become young men, only to regret it. The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters chronicles the experiences of Cat Cattinson, Helena Kerschner, and Grace Lidinsky-Smith, two of whom received hormone therapy at Planned Parenthood clinics. Though activists and media outlets pretend they do not exist, these are just three stories of a growing number of people once sure they were born in the wrong bodies but now know differently.

To believe patients who say they were born in the wrong bodies is a sort of dogma, especially among healthcare professionals who would never handle any other medical condition this same way. Only in the case of gender dysphoria are no questions to be asked. Trans activists call questioning someone’s self-identification and assessing their mental health “gatekeeping.” This dogma has turned transgender “medicine” into the only kind of medicine in which patients approach a doctor with their diagnosis and preferred treatment.

Planned Parenthood has now jumped into this business with both feet. On its website, the organization claims that if a child or young adult is “insistent, consistent, and persistent” about their trans identity, then they should be medically “affirmed.” That word “affirm” is code for pumping those patients, even if minors, full of mind-altering ideas and body-altering hormones and puberty blockers. The treatment aims toward surgeries to amputate healthy body parts and perpetuate wounds, surgeries that are lucrative for providers.

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