The Most and Least Important Abortion has Ever Been


 By Michael Spielman - Posted at

Abortion has never been more important to its proponents than it is right now. Nor less important to those who oppose it. I suppose that makes sense in the aftermath of Dobbs. Roe was a cancer that had to be removed, but even the best surgeries don’t leave you whole. Two years in, the recovery has been nothing if not painful. According to Gallup, abortion supporters are now twice as likely to only vote for likeminded candidates as abortion opponents—marking the third consecutive year in which one-issue voting has tilted firmly towards abortion. It used to be that abortion opponents were the more ideologically committed, but that equation has flipped since President Biden took office. And though polling results should always be taken with a grain of salt, this is one I’m inclined to believe—for no other reason than this. Politically speaking, I have never cared less about abortion than I do right now, and I care about abortion a lot. I’ve devoted almost the whole of my vocational life to fighting it.

The problem is this. There are so many heretofore unimagined threats crouching at our collective doorstep that abortion has become less important by comparison. It must now compete alongside a cadre of other abominations. It’s also been deemed a political liability by many who can’t stomach the thought of a Kamala Harris presidency—Donald Trump included. And because the cost of living has increased so dramatically, people suddenly have less money to devote to philanthropic engagement—which I’ve experienced from both sides of the equation. Abortion is a billion-dollar business; combatting abortion is a money pit. Making matters even worse, virtually all of these emerging threats serve to make abortion a more common and expected outcome. Social distress is the fuel; abortion is the fire.
