
“Continuing to perform elective abortions during a pandemic is medically irresponsible” - leading U.S. doctors' groups

Christians for Personhood Publishes SC Senate Legislative Scorecard

Sermon: 'The Biblical Response to Abortion (Pt 1)'

Sermon: 'Abortion. What are they thinking?'

What abortion advocates are really saying


Pro-Life Idolatry

Trump addresses March for Life, Where Religion and Politics Mix.

Slavery’s connection to abortion

Planned Parenthood Opening ‘Well-Being Centers’ at Los Angeles High Schools, Will Offer Birth Control, Condoms

Christians for Life and Liberty Witnessing Opportunity at SC State House - January 11, 2020

A Testimony and Plea for Help at the Abortion Mill

Planned Parenthood Reports Increase in Abortions and Taxpayer Funding

42.4M babies killed by abortion in 2019; here's what's ahead for US abortion laws in 2020