Dr. Rand Paul Honors 2019 March for Life, Has Reintroduced Legislation to Defend Life

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) issued the below statement honoring the annual March for Life and discussing the Life at Conception Act and his legislation prohibiting federal funds from going to Planned Parenthood, both of which he reintroduced on Wednesday:

“Each year, the March for Life calls on the powerful to protect life at its most helpless. What we say about the value of human life fundamentally impacts who and what we will be as a nation. In recognition of this, I have reintroduced the Life at Conception Act to ensure the unborn receive equal protection under the law, along with legislation to end forced taxpayer support of Planned Parenthood. May the message heard today and the marchers’ passionate dedication inspire change to reaffirm this most basic of rights,” said Sen. Paul.

S. 159, the Life at Conception Act, which has 12 cosponsors, does not amend or interpret the Constitution but simply relies on the 14th Amendment, which specifically authorizes Congress to enforce its provisions.

You can read the legislation HERE.

In addition to introducing the Life at Conception Act in multiple sessions of Congress, Dr. Paul’s stand for life includes forcing the Senate to go on the record in 2015 and 2018 on his efforts to stop federal funding of Planned Parenthood.

Dr. Paul’s reintroduced bill to prohibit federal dollars from going to Planned Parenthood (S. 158), which you can read HERE, would not reduce federal funding for women’s health services, which would continue to be provided by other entities.
