South Carolina elects LIFE Governor Henry McMaster

Columbia Christians for Life ( CCL )
aka Christians for Life and Liberty ( CLL )
Columbia, South Carolina
November 8, 2018

South Carolina elects LIFE Governor Henry McMaster


2018 Statewide General Elections
November 6, 2018

South Carolina Election Unofficial Results:

SC Election Commission

( With 46/46 counties, and 2245/2245 precincts reporting )

SC Governor:

Pro-Life, Pro-Personhood Governor Henry McMaster (R - incumbent) - 53.9 percent [917,434 votes]


Pro-"Abortion", Planned Parenthood - endorsed -and- funded SC Rep James Smith (D) - 46.0 percent [781,872 votes]


Governor Henry McMaster: "I want to stop abortions in South Carolina, ..."

Governor Henry McMaster: "If this doesn't work [certain efforts to de-fund Planned Parenthood], we'll take the next step, but we're gonna eliminate that scourge from South Carolina."

SC Gubernatorial Debate (2d)
October 25, 2018



[SC] Gubernatorial Debate at Greenville Technical College [ Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018 ]
Published on Oct 25, 2018
Video - 56:46

View question from Andy Shain (Post and Courier), and responses by SC Rep. James Smith and Governor Henry McMaster during approx. four minutes of video time from 29:40 - 33:35.

[ Or listen to this audio only, which is missing the very beginning of Andy Shain's question. ]


The Fifth Book of Moses, Called
chapter 30 (KJV)
The Conditions for Restoration and Blessing

v.19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
