Oklahoma Governor Stitt Signs Near-Total [ Surgical, RU-486 ] Abortion Ban Into Law – April 12, 2022

 Posted at Christians for Personhood:

Oklahoma Governor Stitt Signs Near-Total [ Surgical, RU-486 ] Abortion Ban Into Law – April 12, 2022; However OK SB 612 Falls Short of Fully Establishing Justice and Equal Protection of the Laws

OK SB 612 Bans Surgical and RU-486 “Abortion” Procedures in Nearly All Cases, Except for so-called “Medical Emergency”

OK SB 612 does NOT Recognize in Law the God-given, Inherent and Unalienable “Personhood” of the Unborn

OK SB 612 does NOT Criminalize the Mother’s Culpability in Killing Her Own Child

OK SB 612 does NOT Ban Chemically Abortifacient “Birth Control” ( so-called “Contraceptives” [sic] ), which is reliably estimated to cause multiple times more the number of “abortions” than do surgical and RU-486 “abortions”.

