Why abortion advocates are suddenly saying surgical abortions are ‘traumatizing’

By Cassy Fiano-Chesser - Posted at Live Action News:

Currently, as one state has outlawed the abortion pill and a Texas court case could rule any day against the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) original approval of the abortion pill (mifepristone) in 2000, the abortion industry is concerned. With the quick and easy chemical abortion process under threat, abortion advocates have curiously pivoted to claiming that abortion pills are needed so women don’t have to go through “traumatizing” surgical abortions instead.

A meme is circulating on Twitter in response to the new Wyoming legislation. It reads, “When your precious little girl is raped [and] instead of taking an extremely safe [and] effective pill, she’s forced to be retraumatized by an intrusive surgical procedure for no reason other than that fascist Republican extremists want to punish women [and] girls!” the meme reads. “Who will stand up for me? Answer: Democrats.” (emphasis added)
Wyoming's Republican Governor Mark Gordon signed into law a bill restricting abortions and outlawing the use of abortion pills. Red States are racing to ban the abortion pill. Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans want to restrict abortions nationwide. pic.twitter.com/Vz7VRBgJrp

— Tony – Resistance (@TonyHussein4) March 18, 2023
Putting aside the notion that abortion is somehow “necessary” to “fix” the trauma of rape — a harmful myth — this is a strange turn in reasoning for abortion advocates. After all, they’ve spent years assuring us that abortions are no big deal, comparing surgical abortion procedures to removing cavities or wisdom teeth. These actually are rather popular comparisons, with abortion advocates frequently saying that going to get a surgical abortion is so easy, and so not a big deal, that it’s just like going to the dentist!
