
Showing posts with the label Valuable Human Life

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

‘Amazing’ 1lb baby could have been legally aborted

No Better (or Worse) Time To Be Disabled

To Mend a Birth Defect, Surgeons Operate on the Patient Within the Patient

The sanctity of life and the defense of the abused

Conception to birth -- visualized

An Absurd Fate: What Happens to Abandoned Embryos?

"180" Movie

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Life Begins at Conception, Improving Healthcare Includes Unborn

Do Rapists Have Parental Rights in Your State?

Making Abortion 'Safer'

20 Reasons Why the 20 Week Abortion Ban is Not Good

Standing up or Standing by

U.S. Doctors Take Official Stance against Euthanasia

Oprah Magazine: God’s “in” Abortions?

Where were they?

OSA's Emancipation Proclamation for the Unborn Child

Please Don't Be the Cause of A Fatality!

Why Abortion Isn’t Just a Political Issue: the Profound Significance of Oregon’s New Law Mandating Taxpayer Funded Elective Abortions

Safe, Legal and Rare