Missionaries to the Preborn: Failed Opposition

May Christ do great things in the hearts of men! 

July 30th, 2019

Dear Friends of the Preborn, 

Those who opposed our 8-day effort for the preborn here in Milwaukee, put these billboards up all around Milwaukee.

They also spent tens of thousands of dollars and took out full page newspaper ads, had a truck that drove around postered up, did tons of social networking ads, and flew in some low-level comedians from California - all to rally people against us and our efforts. Here is a picture of the poster they made against me.

Yet, they could never muster more than 20 people here in Milwaukee and even when they gathered in liberal, decadent Madison they only had 40 show up for their big rally of opposition.

The opposition was formed and led by Liz Winstead who was one of the creators of the Daily Show with John Stewart which is well-known for its propagation of filth and socialism. Here is the link to their website they created against our efforts in Milwaukee: https://www.garbagefyrefest.com/

In the end, they furthered our efforts for the preborn by creating a lot of media coverage. May Christ be praised!

Here is an example of some of the many media stories: https://www.wisn.com/article/abortion-debate-takes-center-stage-outside-milwaukee-planned-parenthood/28399155?fbclid=IwAR1i9-MUlMnWL26ksLnPfZ_KQoOX6t6K8V8LxpfjXdzFs6b3X0jM0999M3g

Please share this email with others!

May Christ be glorified in the earth!

Pastor Matt Trewhella
Missionaries to the Preborn
