Illinois Considers Another Terrifying Law Allowing Infanticide

By Elizabeth Bauer - Posted at The Federalist:
Illinois is climbing on the infanticide bandwagon with a bill that removes any limits on abortion. It is sponsored by one-third of the state House. This bill is terrifying in its scope.

On January 22, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a measure permitting abortion up to the gestational age of 24 weeks for any reason, and after that point, if “necessary to protect the patient’s life or health,” that is, broadening its prior “life of the mother” law to one based on the broad Doe v. Bolton definition as overall well-being.

On February 21, the Vermont House passed a measure that “would legalize abortion at any stage of pregnancy and for any reason,” as described by Alexandra DeSanctis at National Review. The House sent it to the state’s Senate.

Then Illinois climbed on the bandwagon with a bill that removes any limits on abortion, HB 2495, the Reproductive Health Act. As of February 28, it had 42 sponsors, out of a total of 118 members of the Illinois House of Representatives, 73 of whom are Democrats. On Tuesday, it was assigned to a committee. This bill is terrifying in its scope.
