Illinois: Pro-Life Rally Shuts Down Capitol
From Rev. Bob Vanden Bosch of Concerned Christian Ministries:
Rally Shuts Down Capitol!!!
Attacks on Pastors and Churches!
Dear Friends,
A Secretary of Police Officer I talked to said that they estimated a crowd of over 4,000 people. Most of the legislators I talked to were very impressed and very encouraged at the large turnout. A number of friends of mine from northern Illinois could not get into the capitol because of the crowds. (The Secretary of Police stopped people from coming in because of the crowd size.)
When you come to the Capitol to lobby, I would urge you to be considerate and kind to EVERYONE!!! Most legislators had glowing statements about the crowd, although one (who was already with us on the votes) felt somewhat threatened by some of those who spoke to him. I would urge you to remember the grace and mercy God has showed to you as a sinner--and treat other sinners with grace and mercy as well!!!
SB 1594, Repealing Parental Notification of Abortion, passed out of the Public Health Committee on Tuesday, March 19, and is currently on second reading in the Senate.
Please contact your Senator and ask him or her to vote NO on SB 1594.
In the House, HB 2467, repealing Parental Notification of Abortion, and HB 2495, the Reproductive Health Bill, are schedule for a hearing in the House Human Services Committee on Wednesday, March 27. Here are the links for filing witness slips against these bills:
HB 2467 Repealing Parental Notification of Abortion here
HB 2495 Reproductive Health Act here
Bills Threatening Church Ministries and Pastors
These bills essentially make pastors "Agents of the State"
HB 3402--Breaking Confidentiality in Counseling for Pastors and making Pastors mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect, as well as making them mandated reporters of possible domestic violence or criminal activities. In counseling, pastors will almost need to advise people, "Anything you say to me may be used against you in a court of law." In many cases, counseling can help mitigate or avoid problems, but if confidentiality is limited, many will choose not to receive counseling. YOU CAN ACCESS A WITNESS SLIP AGAINST THIS BILL HERE.
SB 1778 Makes Pastors mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. Currently the law protects confidentiality of counseling, but only requires reporting of child sexual abuse. Confidentiality is basically viewed as a confession between a confessor and the pastor. Anything else is second-hand information, so is not confidential. This would require, if someone from the church visited a home and found a questionable condition. Once it comes the pastor's attention, he would be required by law to report it to DCFS. This bill would require pastors to attend training from DCFS on what is abuse and neglect. Essentially, pastors would become AGENTS OF THE STATE. PLEASE SIGN A WITNESS SLIP AGAINST THIS LEGISLATION HERE.
Pass this information on to everyone you know who would be willing to take action!!!
In His service,
Rev. Bob Vanden Bosch
Executive Director,
Concerned Christian Ministries
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