Documented Opposition of "Pro-Life" [sic] Establishment to Louisiana Personhood "Abortion" Abolition Bill HB813

May 12 Open Letter from "Pro-Life" [sic] Establishment opposing Louisiana Personhood Abolition Bill HB813 because it criminalized women who have their babies killed

CCL: Among the 80+ signers of this May 12 Open Letter opposing Louisiana Personhood Abolition Bill HB813 were: 
  • Lisa Van Riper President 
  • Holly Gatling Exec Director, SC Citizens for Life (SC chapter of NRLC**) 
**NRLC was originally organized in 1968 under the auspices of the then-National Conference of [Roman] Catholic Bishops; NRLC became officially autonomous in 1973. 

 See below the pre-1970 South Carolina Law code sections criminalizing "abortion" with no exceptions in the case of pre "quickening" babies [Sec 16-83]; and with one exception in the case of post "quickening" babies [Sec 16-82]. There was also a separate, specific code section criminalizing the woman who solicits for an abortion, with one exception [Sec 16-84].
Code of Laws Of South Carolina - 1962 Volume 4 - Title 16 - Chapter 3 - Article 4 - "Rape, Abortion, etc." (Pre-1970 "Abortion" Law in South Carolina) 

God says, "Thou shalt not kill (murder)." Exodus 20:13, KJV 
Columbia Christians for Life 
Columbia, SC 
