
Showing posts from 2023

Ultrasounds and Sonograms Save Babies’ Lives—A Call to Support Pregnancy Care Clinics

Pro-life Christian nonprofits sue Washington state AG over private records investigation

Over 130 abortion clinics have closed since 2022: Operation Rescue

The Spike in Congenital Syphilis

The Sex Education & SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) Connection

This is what Ohio and six other states voted for and celebrate

Mark Houck, wife seek millions in lawsuits against DOJ, FBI for 'malicious' prosecution

Weeping for the children: 'Voters in Ohio backed a measure protecting abortion rights. Here's how Republicans helped'

Is it ever okay to kill a baby?

LLDF: 'Fighting MURDER MILL’S frivolous action against PEACEFUL PRO-LIFE ACTIVISTS'

Wake up Ohio—some clarity on radical proposed abortion amendment

Planned Parenthood is an Abortion Business

Breakpoint: 'Abortion Is Making Us Pagan: Should the Strong Crush the Weak?'

Life Legal Defense Foundation: 'U.S. SUPREME COURT declines to reconsider WILD UNJUST JUDGMENT against CMP HEROES….'

California Sues to Stop Crisis Pregnancy Centers From Helping Reverse Chemical Abortions

Life Dynamics: The Twisting of Good and Evil

When Saving Lives is a Crime

Biden admin takes abortion pill battle to Supreme Court

Federal agency claims abortion is best option for pregnant veterans

Stifled Cry: The story of 11 people and their struggle for the right to defend innocent life.

Is Donald Trump Pro-Choice Again?

The worst lie: That weakened safety standards for chemical abortions does not pose a threat to women

BREAKING: Pro-life rescuers found guilty, immediately taken into custody in second DC FACE Act trial

Pro-life activist turned gov’t informant calls rescue movement a ‘cult’ in second DC FACE Act trial

'Investigation of pro-"abortion" activist's criminal misconduct against Christian pro-lifer outside Greenville Women's "Clinic" [sic - Child-Murder Center] initiated by SGT with Greenville County Sheriff's Office'

LiveAction: 'Witness testimony begins in FACE Act trial of second set of pro-life defendants'

Life Dynamics: Meet Margeret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

Donald Trump's unjust, unbiblical position is not pro-life: "And I think exceptions are very important.”

DC police not investigating local abortion clinic in 5 aborted babies case

57th Anniversary of Death of Racist, Eugenicist, Serial Adulteress, Pioneer of Birth Control, Founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger on September 6, 1966 (9/6/66)

Abortifacient Brief: The Birth Control Pill

Language matters; pro-life medical group releases medical glossary

Prayer Rally to be held for Imprisoned Rescuer Heather Idoni

Snowflake Adoption

1 in 6 churchgoers have had, paid for or encouraged an abortion, survey finds